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Roadkil's Error List

Latest Version1.1
This Version Downloads40,415
All Versions Downloads40,498
File Size54,710 bytes
File Date14 September 2009
Languages SupportedEnglish
Download Time
9.6 s @ 56Kb/s1.0 s @ 512Kb/s
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Program Description

Displays information relating to a windows error code. Allows you to determine what the error message given by an application actually means. The programming definition of the error is also given so coders can create a handler for them in their application.

Screen Shots

Lu Lu for sending in the photo of Dermi used in the Windows version.

Other Versions

VersionOperating SystemsInstallerFile Size
1.1Windows 9x/Me, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 10 or 11No54710 Bytes